Much has been said of e-governance in India. Daily we hear the story that in the next couple of years, India will become an Information Technlogy (IT) powered state. Some peopl say, it has already become! The face of government offices will change. No more to files, piling up on Babus' table for approval / advise. We will have every thing in digital form. Things will move faster, and at the click of your fingers, you can get your work done!
Having heard much about this, I wanted to test it. The moment came when we were travelling in Bihar, from Patna to Gaya, by a rented four -wheeler. As we were about to enter Gaya town, the road was blocked, by angry villagers. Later on, we came to know that a villageman was killed in a road accident, and that the villagers will not remove the blockade unless, they get the compensation. The road was blocked around 9 am. For more than three hours, the blockade could not be removed! Around 1: 00 PM we were able to enter Gaya town.
Coming back to Patna, I sent an e-mail to the chief Minister, Mr. Nitish Kumar. I got a reply from his secretary, saying mail was received and I would be informed about the action. This is end of June, and I have not heard from either of them! If this is e-governance, well, we can live without it.
Having heard much about this, I wanted to test it. The moment came when we were travelling in Bihar, from Patna to Gaya, by a rented four -wheeler. As we were about to enter Gaya town, the road was blocked, by angry villagers. Later on, we came to know that a villageman was killed in a road accident, and that the villagers will not remove the blockade unless, they get the compensation. The road was blocked around 9 am. For more than three hours, the blockade could not be removed! Around 1: 00 PM we were able to enter Gaya town.
Coming back to Patna, I sent an e-mail to the chief Minister, Mr. Nitish Kumar. I got a reply from his secretary, saying mail was received and I would be informed about the action. This is end of June, and I have not heard from either of them! If this is e-governance, well, we can live without it.